Deacons shall at all times regard themselves as servants of the church. With the pastor, and as the Holy Spirit may direct, they are to deliberate and make recommendations to the church in all matters pertaining to its work and progress, including oversight of the discipline of the church and the nurturing of spiritual and fraternal relations with all members of the church. They shall assist the pastor in the observance of the ordinances and shall supervise the financial programs of the church.

The Pleasant Grove Baptist Church deacons currently have a hybrid "Deacon Ministry" where a deacon is assigned to senior church members and any others, regardless of age, who would like a specific deacon assigned to their family. In addition, the Deacon of the Week and the Alternate Deacon of the Week are responsible for meeting congregational needs during their assigned week of service. We hope this ensures that all of our members receive the support they need.


Service through 2025: Ronnie Austin, Dexter Head (Secretary), Todd McLoughlin (Assistant Secretary), Jason Strahler

Service through 2026: John Adams (Chair), Jimmy Brooks, Clint Gregory (Vice Chair), Bill Lyons

Service through 2027: Wayne McLamb, Jeff Parker, Lacy Pittman, Dale Tysinger

Deacon Meetings

7 pm — First Monday OF EACH MONTH

All deacon meetings are open to the congregation, and all members are encouraged to attend!


Deacon of the Week (DOW)

  • Service runs Saturday through Friday

  • Contact members (or have another deacon do this on their behalf) identified through newly added prayer needs (typically, listed in RED text in the Prayer Concerns distribution) or identified through contacts with church staff

  • Deliver New Member packets (or have another deacon do this on their behalf)

  • Assist ministerial staff during services/events as needed

  • Unlock the Sanctuary at least 30 minutes before services and/or church events and remain on the premises (or ensure someone will do this for you, such as ministerial staff or ushers)

  • Unlock the Family Life Center at least 45 minutes before Sunday School, and at least 30 minutes before other church events, and remain on the premises (or ensure someone will do this for you)

  • Lock down the campus following services and church events and ensure interior lights are off, toilets are not running, HVAC is set as appropriate, fire doors are shut and locked (FLC), and alarm is set (or ensure someone will do this for you)

 Alternate Deacon of the Week (ADOW)

  • Service runs Saturday through Friday

  • Assist, or stand in for, the deacon of the week and ministerial staff as needed


Those who do not feel qualified to be ordained as a deacon are given an opportunity to serve Christ in an important area of ministry. The yoke-fellow ministry also opens the door of service to many capable Christians who would otherwise be left out. There is always a need for qualified deacon candidates and this ministry assists in identifying potential future deacons. Those who serve as yoke-fellows are set apart from the crowd. This gives the potential deacon the opportunity of Christian growth, learn what deacon ministry involves, and better understand the church and her function.

In Philippians 4:3, the apostle Paul addressed his "fellow workers" in the ministry. A yoke-fellow is a follower of Christ who has been yoked or teamed with a fellow Christian for the work of ministry. Many examples of this partnership can be seen in the ministry of Paul. Acts 11:23-26 tells of Barnabas choosing Paul to be his helper in ministry at Antioch. During the first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas would team up with Mark to begin carrying the gospel to Asia Minor. Later Paul would link with Silas and then with several others who would be his yoke-fellows in ministry.


The purpose of bestowing emeritus status on a deacon is to recognize a lifestyle of distinguished servanthood at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in accordance with scriptures. The following deacons have received emeritus recognition: Stewart Adcock (2008), David Greene (2008), Leroy Veasey (2008), Harold Cotton (2009), Roy Morton (2010), Phil Smith (2013), Harvey Smith (2013), James Agnew (2013), Bob Tysinger (2017), Walter Stapleton (2017), Homer Rowland (2019), Maurice Lindsay (2021), Cliff McRoy (2023), Bobby Wortham (2023), Robert Brooks (2024), and Dale Turbyfill (2024).

If you have a need or prayer request, please contact
the Church Office or JOHN ADAMS, Deacon Chairman.
Church contacts
Office: 919-552-4634

Phillip anderson, senior pastor:

423-645-4222 (cell), 919-552-4634, extension 104 (office),

There is a place for you . . .