Loving the Lost Through Prayer:  Week #37 Poles of Lithuania

Our Current Prayer Concerns

We have established a Prayer Ministry that will cover many areas in the life of our church and community. We are targeting specific areas: Schools, Senior Adult Ministry, Youth Ministry, Music Ministry, Children’s Ministry, Prayer Walking, Sunday School/Worship, Missions Ministry and Law Enforcement. 

Each group will have a facilitator who will give gentle guidance and leadership as you seek to meet regularly by phone, email, text or in person. There are no structure guidelines because we want this ministry to be led by God in giving His Holy Spirit the freedom to move and operate in our lives and in this prayer ministry. 

If you wish to join a specific group, contact the church office for the names and email addresses of each facilitator. 

We will meet once a quarter for a time of prayer as a church body. 

Submit a Prayer Concern.

Become a Prayer Partner

If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and one of our staff members will get back to you.

There is a place for you . . .