Register and pay in person at the volleyball evaluation on August 25. The evaluation will be held in the family life center.

You may print off this registration form, fill it out and bring it with you to evaluations.

The youth of Pleasant Grove Baptist Church humbly and respectfully reject the idea that they are the church of tomorrow; they believe that they are the church of RIGHT NOW.  The youth do not believe that they have to wait to advance the cause of Christ: they want to be a part of the revolution now--today--in our homes, in our schools, and in our everyday lives.  They believe that through worship, evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and ministry, they CAN make a difference in this world.

Our weekly Bible Studies are engineered to help prepare us for the battle ahead, and our discipleship retreats provide in-depth training intended to mold and shape us into the image of Christ.  Our mobile house parties are specifically planned to provide opportunities for both fellowship and evangelism.  And we are very passionate about missions--both at home and abroad.  It is our prayer that in both large and small ways, we can be used by our Master and Lord Jesus Christ to transform our homes, schools, communities, and ultimately, our world.  Our goal, as Saint Ignatius said in the Spiritual Exercises, is to "see Him more clearly, love Him more dearly, [and] follow Him more nearly."

Activities include —

Mission Trips / Retreats / Camps / Concerts / Lock-ins / Fun Days / Children’s PGBC Basketball Leaders / Volleyball / Basketball  / Softball  

Don’t forget your $1 offering for Jeanette!! She’s our 17 yr. old sponsor child in Rwanda, Africa in a critical needs area. Give and pray!

Ministry Opportunities Include —

Sunday School — Explore the Bible from LifeWay literature
Youth Wednesday Night Activities — Bible Study, Youth Area, 6:15 pm
 Annual Youth Sunday Worship Service / Vacation Bible School (student leaders)

Youth & college/young adult —

BIBLE STUDY — Tuesdays @ 6 pm
STUDENTS OF THE GROVE — Bible Study, Wednesday, 6:30, Youth Area

INFORMATION NEEDED — It’s time to update student information forms and this year they are all on-line! Yay! This is just the form that gives me emergency contact info and school, track, grade info to help us plan events. There is a separate permission form for transportation and emergency treatment I will send home soon.
Please click on the link below, fill out the form, and either email me a scan of both
sides of your insurance card or bring me your insurance card so I can copy it.

There is a place for you . . .