Pleasant Grove Baptist Church offers Sunday School Classes, in a small group setting, for all ages. We invite you to celebrate the love of Jesus Christ with our Christian family. There is a place for you in ministry and spiritual growth at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. Our Sunday School Council, lead by our very committed Sunday School Director, meets monthly to organize, coordinate and plan the Lord’s work.  

Sunday School ~ 9:15 AM for ALL ages

Preschool Ministry/For Ages Birth-Kindergarten 

We believe that children are a precious gift from God. Babies learn more their first year of life than any other year. We are ministering to these “little ones” most important. Preschool is provided during the Sunday School and Morning Worship hours. We teach by loving, caring and example. We see church as a “teaching time” for preschoolers and children alike. Extended Session is provided for preschoolers ages birth - five years old during the Morning Worship Service. We have very faithful “Preschool Council,” Sunday School Department Directors and Extended Session Directors who are concerned and committed for the care, safety and teaching of our preschoolers.

Children’s Ministry/For Children Grades 1-5

You will not be at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church long before you will see the important role children play in our church family. Our church reaches out to Families and we take seriously the responsibilities we have toward training our children. We have a very dedicated Sunday School Staff who provide quality teaching for our children grades 1st through 5th. We also offer a dedicated Children's Council who works together to meet the needs of children. Children are taught in many different ways at Pleasant Grove and we believe that teaching Children the Bible and memorizing Bible verses are very important.

Youth Ministry/For Youth Grades 6-12

Presently we offer Middle School Sunday School (Grades 6, 7 & 8) and High School Sunday School (Grades 9, 10, 11 & 12). Each Sunday at 9:30 a.m., we begin with Praise and Worship Songs and an assembly time with the entire Youth Department. Then we have small groups as divided above. Our Youth are challenged to "make a Biblical difference" IN THEIR LIVES as well as in the World. We have a caring and loving volunteer staff and a Youth Council who work with our Youth Minister in providing a great Sunday School.

College & Career Ministry/For Young Adults Age 18-25

Life can seem like a journey down a long and winding road, filled with frustrations, twists, turns and dead ends. We often find ourselves straying to one side or the other as we venture into some unknown place looking for that special feeling that brings us inner peace and contentment. Despite preparations made throughout childhood and early adolescence, our journey begins in earnest with the earning of a high school diploma and the leap of faith that follows--into college, the military or a career. This is most adults' turning point. Unfortunately, that leap claims the faith of too many. Nearly two thirds of graduating high school seniors and young adults between the ages of 18-25 will never attend church again. This is the turning point, a critical moment when a single choice can determine the destination of a journey and the outcome of a life. 

We believe that God has a plan for young adults. “A plan to give (them) a future and a hope” (Jeremiah 29:11). 

New Sunday School Class/Room 205 ~ Family Life Center

THE GOSPEL PROJECT ~ A chronological bible study that shows how all scripture points us to Jesus Christ. What we’re trying to do with this bible study is to help people of all ages see how the bible fits together to tell one story — God’s plan to rescue and redeem sinners through faith in Jesus Christ.

Young & Middle Age Adults/For Coed Adults Age 30 & up

Pleasant Grove offers several Coed classes for Young and Middle Age Adults. We have a fine staff of Volunteers who prepare weekly to bring a fresh Bible Study that is relevant to today. Our classes are exciting and vibrant and the fellowship is sweet. These classes also meet on a monthly basis in small groups to build stronger relationships and Christian Fellowship as well as to reach out and invite others to come and be a part of the fellowship/family.

Senior Adults/For Adults Age 60 & older

We have a wonderful group of Senior Adults at our church who gather each Sunday for Bible Study. We have Coed Classes as well as Ladies' Classes and Men's Classes. The Senior Adult Years are very special and we have wonderful teachers who prepare and give so much in Bible Teaching each Sunday during the Sunday School Hour. Our Seniors are very active and we have the "Happy Age Club" who meet on a regular basis. We also have a dedicated "Senior Adult Council" who keeps activities and opportunities fresh for our Seniors each month.

There is a place for you . . .