Pleasant Grove’s Sunday program
for our children birth to 5th grade includes
Sunday School plus a new Children's Church
to replace Extended Session.


FIRST — The Sunday School classrooms for all of these children will now be on the 1st floor of the Family Life Center (FLC). New classroom labels will be in place to help you know where the new rooms are.

SECOND — All children MUST be checked in by a parent/guardian (not a brother or sister) at the new Children’s Check In Desk in the lobby of the FLC (1st floor). We have a new welcome center set up downstairs at this desk, similar to that of upstairs so parents won’t have to miss out on coffee! At the desk, your child will be counted in attendance, receive a name tag, parents will receive a pager, and then parents can escort them to their new classes

THIRD — When Sunday School is over (10:30 AM), all teachers will bring their classes (age 4 to 5th grade) to the stage where an opening celebration will take place to start Children’s Church. If you are arriving just for church and not Sunday School, you will need to check your child in at the previously mentioned desk at this time and then bring them to the stage before going up to the sanctuary. While the worship service is happening, your children will get to rotate (like in VBS) through Arts/Crafts, Music and Activities/Games that all tie to their Bible School lesson with a final wrap up back on the stage at the end. PLEASE NOTE that the FLC will be on lock down once the service starts so parents must ring the bell to get in.

FOURTH — When the worship service is over, all children MUST be picked up/checked out by a parent/guardian (not a brother or sister) at the stage at which point the child can then take off their name tag.

FIFTH — The nursery, 1 year olds and 2s-3s will all be self-contained during these hours. The 2s-3s will have two connecting classrooms (one for teaching and one for crafts, music and games) and will have an opportunity to come out and play in the gym as well. They will not rotate with the older children however.

SIXTH — The 4th and 5th grade class will remain upstairs as a transition class before going to Youth. They are expected to sit in the worship service with the adults. Children’s Church is recommended but not mandated for any child, parents may choose to take them to the worship service or have them stay in Children’s Church, either is fine.

SEVENTH — The new curriculum we have found is called DIG IN from Group Inc. It is a wonderful, web-based program that is going to take our kids through the Bible in one year. It is a fantastic, highly interactive curriculum that includes the elements of music, arts/crafts and games along with age appropriate biblical teaching. Parents will receive a take home sheet upon pick-up time that gives you a summary of the lesson, announcements and review activities to do at home.

PGBC is focusing prayer and attention on our CHILDREN’S MINISTRY. We are asking you for your support by praying for different requests concerning our children's ministry. We believe it will be an eye-opening experience for the body as we pray together.

As we make preparations for serving our children, we are getting ready for the harvest that God is bringing. By faith we have been asking God to enlarge our body with young couples with children. We would be foolish to ask God to do something that we are not ready to receive. We have everything we need in this body to do the ministry that God has called us to do. We just need to faithfully hear His call and surrender to that call to serve. And when we choose to serve, that is where the joy will abundantly flow.


There is a place for you . . .